Dear RentMen visitors, SexyAsFuk chose to answer 5 interview questions that were last updated on 31 Jan 2020


  • What would you like your followers to know about you that is unique and even a bit personal?
    My life and experiences have been anything but "normal". I have been blessed with amazing people that have come in and out of my life and for the more than likely will think that I am just making it up, if I decide to share any of that with you. I really have nothing to prove to anyone, just sharing my experiences for those who are genuine and are wanting to know for the right reasons and hopefully it will be of benefit to all concerned at some point in the lifetime.
  • If you and I were on the beach having some wine and great food, what would you tell me about yourself.
    I would tell you what you want to hear until I am comfortable with you and that I am sure that you are genuine and sincere with your inquiry. Other than that it more than likely will be a conversation filled with what I think you would like to hear sprinkled with truth and you wouldn't know the difference none-the-less.
  • What should others absolutely know about you?
    For the most part I am very easy going. I am guarded and not the easiest person to get to know or to get close to. From what I am told I am gifted and share this gift with those who can appreciate it for what it is. I am not perfect and prone to make mistakes. I live life with this understanding and more times than not, would much rather run the risk of making a mistake rather than live with a lingering question "what if I had only........". I guess you could say I would much rather live with the regret of doing something rather than regret not taking the risk. This life is a gift, this is the dream, this is suppose to be the celebration. The male ego has made this a competition for things that really hold no value in the long run and brought this planet to its current critical and desperate condition. The Earth will be fine, it is much more resilient than this humans race. A gift that benefits all and harms none is usually a good place to start.
  • Name 5 things that you can’t live without.
    Amazing Sex
    Good Friends
    High Speed Data
    Being grateful for what I have
  • What do you enjoy most about yourself?
    The fact that I am 25 years old always (refusing to grow old)